News! : Banning Lottery Shops

When Kedah, a state in Malaysia banned lottery shops from operating, a reporter has asked a minister if the ban would be replicated in other states. Instead of addressing the issue, the minister surprisingly has retorted, asking if the journalist would like it if her husband were a gambler. Kedah's Chief Minister had earlier claimed that the step was to ensure that the state would be free of gambling as the vice has been known to cause debt problems and has even caused the collapse of family institutions and even civilisations. Supporters probably would welcome his suggestion of punters going to neighbouring Penang to  place their bets. In the social media, some went to the extent of claiming that all religions forbid gambling. Considering the fifth of the Buddhist Five Precepts for layman, Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs which lead to carelessness; Buddhism most probably forbids gambling since gambling being intoxicating and addictive could lead to carelessness. Then if Buddhism forbids, it most certainly does not force.

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