Imitate, Experience, Reflect

Somewhere I read, there are three ways to acquire the Buddha Dhamma. The first deemed the noblest, is by reflection. The second method by imitation is the easiest while the third by experience; is the most bitter. When we imitate without reflection, I suppose we are not more like parrots repeating the words of their human masters. Not sure if the parrots understand what they say. Then, time really flies when we are going through the good times and we barely pause to reflect. In hard times, we may seem to live in eternity; moping, complaining and blaming. Would it be better than if when we imitate and experience, we reflect?  By the way, somewhere else I read that it was Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher who said: By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest...

Perhaps, you have experienced this and had reflected on which action to immitate...

More musings....
