Origin of Man

Today being the seventh day of Chinese New year is Renri 人日, the day human beings were created. In Chinese mythology, the goddess Nüwa created the world. She created the chickens, dogs, boars, sheep, cows, horses on different days for six days and on the seventh day; created human, thus making the seventh day the birthday of all humans. In the Bible, God created man on the sixth day. The first verse in the Bible says, In the beginning God created heaven and the earth. He created light, separated it from darkness and called them day and night on the first day. On the second day, He created the sky; on the third, the earth, seas,  grasses, plants, and trees; and the sun, moon and stars on the fourth. The birds and fish were created on the fifth day and on the sixth day, besides creating all the animals that walk and crawl on the earth, created man in his own image using dust of the earth and then, took a rib from the man and created a woman. The origin of humans seems easier to understand in the Chinese mythology and Bible than in the Buddhist Aggañña Sutta  where humans are said to be beings shining in their own light, capable of moving through the air without mechanical aid and requiring no sustenance until later when newly procured habits cause them to evolve into their present state. What is clear is in Buddhism, there is no creator god to explain the origin of the humans and the universe.
