While at the Lake Gardens, came across a little seemingly lifeless bird on the tarred road leading to the Raintree Walk. It was a little baby mynah. Its feathers seemed sparse and the baby bird was not fully grown yet. It probably had fallen from its nest. An adult mynah hopping from branch to branch on a tree could be its mother but there was no nest in sight. There seemed to be a little life yet in the listless baby mynah and I caught it breathing. As there was no way of putting the bird back to where it belonged, I had taken it back home, intending to feed it and nurse it. In instances like this, perhaps one would recognise how lucky it is to be born as humans. Of all sentients being, humans stood out since in most instances, they could help themselves and alter their fate. All will die though and when one spots a little bird hanging to dear life, one perhaps realize how fleeting life is. Wouldn't it be great then if one could make the most of life, making it meaningful before we go?
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