News! : A Singer's Suicide

When the famed HK singer Coco Lee passed away on 5 July 2023, fans all over the world were devastated. Coco was admitted to hospital in an unconscious state after she attempted suicide. She passed away three days later. She was just 48. Someone in the social media commented that she took her own life because she didn't have God, not believing in one, I suppose. Coco was born with an abnormality in her left leg and had to rely heavily on her right leg all her life. In 2022, she underwent a surgery to remove the tumour in her breast and and in 2023, she had surgery on her pelvis and thigh after a dance rehearsal triggered an old leg injury. On top of all these, she was battling depression and had marital problems. Strong a person may be but when troubles come in droves, there is a likelihood that one would succumb to the pressure. Committing suicide need not be just to end it all. A believer in a creator probably would commit the act in the belief that he or she is merely making an early return to the creator. Buddhists definitely don't go back to Buddha upon death but some probably would fear such deaths which put them at a disadvantageous position in the wheel of rebirth.

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